
BPM Builds and hands-over ablution facilities at Ledig school

As a responsible company with our flagship project Bakubung Platinum Mine (BPM) located in

Rustenburg’s Ledig, North-West, one of our key objectives is community upliftment.
To ensure and support a successful #backtoschool , the BPM completed and handed-over a block
of ablution facilities to the Bakgofa Primary School at the end of November 2023. In building a
block of ablution facilities, BPM also refurbished the existing block of ablution facilities
This was to cater to the shortage that was faced by this school, which is in-line with our
Community Schools Infrastructure Project.

The ablution facilities are contributing to ensuring and restoring the dignity of our learners and
advance effective learning in-line with the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030’s identification
of the need for a quality and coherent system – for delivering quality education, science &
technology, training and skills development.
#backtoschool #BackToSchool2024 #NDP2030