
07 December 2023 – Illegal Sit-In At Bakubung Platinum Mine

WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2003/020161/06)Share code: WEZISIN: ZAE000075859(the “Company”) ILLEGAL SIT-IN AT BAKUBUNG PLATINUM MINE Shareholders are advised that employees embarked on an illegal sit-in at the BakubungPlatinum Mine. The sit-in commenced on Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at or about 8h26am whenemployees chose not to return to surface at…
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27 November 2023 – Mine Enters Section 189 Consultations

WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2003/020161/06)Share code: WEZISIN: ZAE000075859(the “Company”) BAKUBUNG PLATINUM MINE ENTERS SECTION 189 CONSULTATIONS Shareholders are advised that Bakubung Minerals (Pty) Ltd (“Bakubung”) will enter intoconsultations in terms of Section 189A of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, as amendedwith organized labour and other affected stakeholders,…
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23 November 2023 – Dealing In Securities By An Associate Of A Director

WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2003/020161/06)Share code: WEZISIN: ZAE000075859(the “Company”) DEALING IN SECURITIES BY AN ASSOCIATE OF A DIRECTOR NAME OF DIRECTOR Lincoln Vumile James Ngculu COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Wesizwe Platinum Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Non-Executive Director TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTION Disposal of…
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17 Novemeber 2023 – Dealing In Securities By An Associate Of A Director

WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2003/020161/06)Share code: WEZISIN: ZAE000075859(the “Company”) DEALING IN SECURITIES BY AN ASSOCIATE OF A DIRECTOR NAME OF DIRECTOR Lincoln Vumile James Ngculu COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Wesizwe Platinum Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Non-Executive Director TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTION Disposal of…
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13 November 2023 – Dealing In Securities By An Associate Of A Director

WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2003/020161/06)Share code: WEZISIN: ZAE000075859(the “Company”) DEALING IN SECURITIES BY AN ASSOCIATE OF A DIRECTOR NAME OF DIRECTOR Lincoln Vumile James Ngculu COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Wesizwe Platinum Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Non-Executive Director TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTION Disposal of…
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